“Why is HP not making Windows 7 print drivers for the HP 1012 and other printers?” Although possibly a good financial move in the short-term, the lasting damage to HP’s reputation among customers, end-users, and technology professionals may well prove to be a much bigger expense than simply coding a few printer drivers.

Obviously, the decision to not provide Windows 7 drivers to loyal HP customers is motivated by money. GoodRx works well for cheap prescriptions No Windows 7 Drivers for HP Printers 1012 and More Too bad that the so-called special pricing upgrades offered by HP don’t compete with the best deals that a savvy consumer can find on the Internet or by watching the sales ads in the Sunday newspaper. Of course, HP is doing its best to spin the situation by pointing out how many other printer drivers it is offering, and offering its more gullible customers the chance to participate in a special HP printer upgrade program for owners of obsolete printers. Category 6 printers will not be supported under Windows 7, which means that Hewlett Packard will not be offering new print drivers for those models of LaserJet, InkJet, and All-in-One printers. Numerous HP printers, particularly inexpensive “low-end” models have been assigned by HP to “Category 6”. Unfortunately, HP has decided to abandon a large group of HP printer owners. As Microsoft Windows 7 becomes more commonly installed and the default operating system installed on most new computers, upgrading old HP printer drivers to Windows 7 is more important. Many IT pros swear by HP printers and won’t buy anything else. HP printers have been solid workhorses for some time. Grab the Best Hubris RSS Feed to read it right away. – Will add new post when I have more data to go on.

At least as long as you don’t print too much during the automatic scheduled task interval. Update: It seems (so far) that scripting a stop and start of the Spooler service can eliminate the need to turn the printer off and on.